DIY Ingredients & Supplies

citric acid

Citric Acid – Ingredient In Cleaning & Bath/Body Products

Citric acid is a very mild organic acid that comes from citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, limes, grapefruit, and even pineapple. It’s what gives these fruits their signature sour flavors. As an ingredient, it’s commonly used in food and beverage items, as well as cleaning and bath/body formulations. In cleaning and bath/body formulations, it serves…

Shelf Life of Soaping Oils – Choose Wisely To Prevent DOS

Shelf Life of Soaping Oils – Choose Wisely To Prevent DOS

Knowing the shelf life of soaping oils is pretty important for anyone that’s going to sell soap. This is because it gives you an idea of roughly how long your product will last before “going bad”. For this same reason, in my opinion, is it’s also really good information to know for anyone who plans…

Lye Safety In Soap Making – 9 Steps To Keep You & Your Family Safe

Lye Safety In Soap Making – 9 Steps To Keep You & Your Family Safe

Employing sound practices for lye safety in soap making is extremely important. Failing to do so can result in you getting hurt, and that means you’re going to be too scared to EVER MAKE A BAR OF SOAP AGAIN IN YOUR LIFE. It’s sad, really. Okay, overly dramatic warning aside, let me tell you a…